[jobsthatareLEFT by GAIN] Energy Justice Network - Admin Assistant

January 12, 2019

[jobsthatareLEFT by GAIN] Energy Justice Network - Admin Assistant



Energy Justice Network supports grassroots organizing to stop dirty energy and waste industry facilities throughout the U.S., with a focus on preventing and closing waste incinerators. This position involves working with our Executive Director to support the communities fighting these facilities, and promote clean energy and zero waste alternatives.


Administrative assistant with concentrations in communications, online research, and writing.

  • Three years of involvement in environmental justice issues or related activism.

  • Social media outreach.
  • Webpage editing (we use Drupal and Word Press).
  • Photo & video editing.
  • Impeccable English grammar and spelling.
  • Fact sheet and report design and layout.
  • Strong writing skills, with an ability to simplify messages and communicate complex issues to the public.
  • High computer literacy (word processing, spreadsheets, email filters, data entry).
  • Nimble in MS Windows and MS Office.

  • Attention to detail.
  • Well-organized, attentive to time-management, calendars and deadlines.
  • Strong inter-personal communication and listening skills.
  • Work well independently.

  • Well-versed in waste, pollution, and climate issues.
  • Spanish proficiency.

LOCATION: Must be located in the Washington, DC Metro area.

COMPENSATION: $20/hour, full time.

QUESTIONS: Contact Mike Ewall at 215-436-9511 or mike [at] energyjustice dot net

TO APPLY: Please send your resume, cover letter, and at least three references to apply [at] energyjustice dot net, with a subject line of "ASSISTANT JOB." Please include writing samples and social media advocacy samples (at least two each). Please also include social media handles and links to any websites you've managed or put together.

This position will be open until filled, but we hope to fill it by mid-February 2019. Please try to have applications in by January 20, 2019 for best consideration.


Mike Ewall, Esq.
Executive Director
Energy Justice Network
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