BrownMillerGroup is hiring Field Organizers to build and manage a field program in the Northeast. A successful candidate will be a dynamic individual possessing a breadth of organizing experience and demonstrating a range of professional skills. S/he will be passionate about building people-powered, community-driven campaigns.
Responsibilities Will Include:
· Voter contact including door-to-door and phone canvass
· Data system maintenance
· Drafting neighborhood-level field plans
· Building relationships with grasstops leaders and activists
· Recruiting, training and managing interns and volunteers
· Tracking and reporting progress to goal in real-time
· Self-assessing progress-to-goal and next steps
Required Skills and Qualities:
· Minimum one cycle organizing experience
· The ability to develop volunteers and interns and create a team environment
· Use of voter contact programs including VAN, Nationbuilder and the like
· Use of personnel contact relationship manager programs
· Mastery of basic office programs including the Microsoft Office suite, Excel and, in particular, file share programs
· Excellent written and oral communication skills
· Excellent time management and task organizing skills
· The ability to solve problems
· The ability to self-assess
· The ability to lead and to develop team members
· Self-motivation and the commitment to see a task through regardless
Job Requirements:
· Willingness to relocate
· The ability to travel independently
· The ability to work extended hours
BrownMillerGroup is a direct contact firm whose goal is to win campaigns by engaging people in politics and empowering them with the tools they need to change their community one person at a time.
Salary based upon experience. BrownMillerGroup is an equal opportunity employer.
To Apply: send resume and cover letter to
Subject: Last Name, First Name Field Organizer
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