Carolyn for Congress is hiring a Field Director immediately.
-- The Field Director will be responsible for managing all staff and the reporting structure to the Democratic Party and the Campaign on a regular basis. They will act as the conduit for any campaign specific requests and will manage the Regional Field Directors.
They will work to ensure that their program is nimble and hitting their goal. Their work will include but is not limited to:
All human resources including implementing the hiring for all Regional Field Directors
Provide support to the Regional Field Directors
Implement a structure that motivates the team and has clear reporting goals
In 2018, came within 433 votes of unseating the incumbent Republican, who has since announced his retirement. Both The Cook Political Report and Sabato's Crystal Ball rate the race as a toss-up, even with a retiring Republican incumbent.
Carolyn has been endorsed by Congressman John Lewis, Congressman Hank Johnson, former US Senator Sam Nunn, and former Ambassador Andrew Young.
To find out more about the race visit:
To apply email resume to
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