[GAINPOWER.org: Jobs That Are Left] Policy Analyst, Early Childhood Policy (Washington, DC)

February 19, 2021

[GAINPOWER.org: Jobs That Are Left] Policy Analyst, Early Childhood Policy (Washington, DC)

  • Reports to: Director, Early Childhood Policy
  • Staff reporting to this position: None
  • Department: Early Childhood Policy
  • Position classification: Exempt, full time

The Policy Analyst for Early Childhood Policy will design and conduct original quantitative analysis using statistical software, contribute to policy analyses and policy recommendations, and craft rapid-response commentary including written reports and talking points. The position requires strong writing skills, including translating complex research into easily digestible materials. The Policy Analyst will work closely with a collegial team and engage with other organizations, researchers, and advocates to conduct timely research to advance progressive early childhood policy priorities.


  • Build policy and research expertise on a range of early childhood topics, including child care, preschool, Head Start, and home visiting, and analyze how children and families are affected by policies on health, immigration, and the environment.
  • Author a variety of written products that meet the needs of the Early Childhood Policy team. This work may include composing rapid-response messages for immediate policy questions; writing issue briefs, columns, and op-eds; and supporting or leading longer-term reports.
  • Lead quantitative analyses using public and original datasets, including cleaning, merging, and using statistical software to produce original analyses.
  • Conduct qualitative research, including personal interviews and analyses of statutory, regulatory, and other policy documents.
  • Manage projects—including developing drafts of project plans that identify timelines, roles, and responsibilities—with regular feedback and oversight from the Director of Early Childhood Policy.
  • Delegate tasks to other team members and work collaboratively to ensure adherence to project deadlines.
  • Ability to reliably meet deadlines, effectively communicate updates, and spot potential challenges to raise with the team Director.
  • Provide research support for members of the Early Childhood Policy team.
  • Develop and maintain relationships with a range of key leaders outside of the organization.
  • Present American Progress' research to a range of audiences in formal and informal settings.

Requirements and qualifications:

  • Bachelor's degree or equivalent experience is required.
  • Three to four years of relevant work experience is required.
  • Commitment to racial, gender, and disability justice and economic equity, including the intersectionality of these issues.
  • Demonstrated ability to synthesize complex ideas and findings in oral and written communication and bring succinct, accessible ideas to nonexperts.
  • Collaborative team player with a willingness and curiosity to delve deeply into various early childhood education policy topics.
  • Ability to manipulate, probe, and clean datasets to ask interesting questions, create responsible analysis, and share findings clearly and convincingly.
  • Demonstrated competence using statistical software such as STATA, SPSS, SAS, R, or similar programs to conduct responsible data analysis.
  • Creativity and an ability to generate multiple solutions to problems.
  • Self-directed self-starter with a willingness to own high-priority tasks.
  • Ability to identify equity and opportunity gaps in datasets and build clear arguments rooted in equity principles.
  • Ability to multitask in a fast-paced, team-oriented environment under the pressure of deadlines.
  • Responsive to feedback with the capacity to learn quickly and continuously.
  • Commitment to American Progress' mission and goals.
  • Spanish language skills are preferred.

This position is part of a bargaining unit represented by IFPTE Local 70. The minimum salary for this role is $56,000. Candidates from diverse backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply here.

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