JOB: Lobbyist - Global Access to Medicine - Public Citizen, Washngton, DC

January 13, 2015

JOB: Lobbyist - Global Access to Medicine - Public Citizen, Washngton, DC

Public Citizen is a non-partisan public interest group with more than 300,000 members and activists. Key areas of organizational focus include trade policy, pharmaceutical drug safety and consumer health, among others.

Public Citizen's Global Access to Medicines Program works with partners worldwide to challenge pharmaceutical industry monopoly power and advance access to medicines for all. We support public agencies and civil society groups with technical and strategic assistance to overcome patent exclusivities and make use of cost-lowering measures including generic competition, in order to promote health and save lives. Click


Global advocacy and generic medicines have produced a revolution in HIV/AIDS treatment in recent years, reducing first-line medicines prices by 99% in developing countries and helping more than ten million people access lifesaving drugs. Cost solutions are every bit as vital today, including for Americans, as prices for new cancer, heart disease, tuberculosis and HIV products, among others, quickly rise. U.S. and state programs are already rationing access to a new hepatitis C medicine, for example, which costs $1,000 per pill. A global movement supports access to affordable medicines, but abuses of monopoly powers written into legislation and harmful trade agreement provisions threaten to undermine progress.

We help patients' groups and public agencies exercise their health rights. We assess new developments in policy and law with a particular focus on patents and licensing policy and free trade agreements, test data and U.S. government biomedical research. We work with coalition partners to promote game-changing ideas that advance pharmaceutical access and innovation simultaneously.

The access to medicines lobbyist will represent Public Citizen before Congress, executive agencies, national organizations and the media.
The lobbyist's responsibilities may include:
  • Organize and conduct meetings with members of Congress, congressional staff and executive branch officials. Maintain regular communications with staff and, with the support of Public Citizen colleagues, broaden congressional understanding of political issues that jeopardize or advance access to medicines.
  • Assist congressional staff with strategic advice to advance access to medicines priorities and conceptualize and manage campaigns in close consultation with Public Citizen's directors.
  • Develop quality written products such as formal correspondence, fact sheets, news releases and op-eds.
  • Work with and organize coalition partners including major civic groups.
  • Track relevant legislation; provide analysis in cooperation with Public Citizen staff.
  • Other duties as assigned.

Knowledge:Familiarity with Capitol Hill strongly preferred; familiarity the global development or access to medicines issues helpful but not required.
Work Experience:Several years lobbying and/or public policy advocacy experience strongly preferred.
Skills: Strong analytical, writing, research, communications and political organizing skills.
Capabilities: Ability to work alone and in collaboration/ attention to detail and technical accuracy; ability to envisions project development and complete work on deadline; commitment to standing up to corporate power; flexibility and ability to respond quickly to new developments.
Conditions: Passion for justice and the work; commitment to advancing the public interest.

The Lobbyist will report to the Global Access Medicines Program Director and to Public Citizen's President.     