EVENT: Young Democratic Socialists 2015 (2/13-2/15, NYC)

January 13, 2015

EVENT: Young Democratic Socialists 2015 (2/13-2/15, NYC)

TICKETS AVAILABLE for Young Democratic Socialists 2015 (#YDS15), February 13-15: www.ydsusa.org/yds15

TRAVEL SCHOLARSHIP (deadline 1/16): bit.ly/1ALQMb0Help start the movement! Reserve your spot at YDS15 this February and meet fellow, like-minded students and young activists for a weekend of exciting workshops, plenaries and socializing!

It's time for our generation to take action. Young people are disproportionately affected by the consequences of neoliberal policies: students are taking on more loans to cover skyrocketing tuition, young people of color face racial profiling and discrimination by law enforcement, and too many young adults continue to drift between unemployment and underemployment. It's time we took a stand against capitalism.
Word on the street is that youth are not politically engaged; we are apathetic, we don't vote. NBC News recently asked "Where are the Millennials?" referring to our low turnout in the mid-term elections. But these statements ignore the fact that youth and students have always stood at the front of major political movements, and will stand at the front of the fight against capitalism. YDS is proof that we are working for real change: we demand political leaders who inspire us and will be accountable to us, and we are building our movement out in the streets.
You do NOT need to be a DSA or YDS members to attend. All are welcome! Help spread the word by liking YDS on Facebook, following YDS on Twitter, and using the #YDS15 hashtag.

Questions? Interested in tabling? Email: yds@dsausa.org
National Organizer
Young Democratic Socialists
Democratic Socialists of America