Mobile Strategies Intern
You: Hard-working, highly motivated, and excited by digital media and politics. You're seeking the opportunity to work with leaders in the progressive community, using tools that help innovate on-the-ground organizing and messaging. You're a creative thinker and have a passion for lefty political issues and causes. You want to work for a place that has clients you can be excited about and are proud to work for. You are a self-starter who can work independently as well as part of a team.
Preferred but not essential: Being able to quickly adapt to new technologies and working with programming and data tool sets. A background in community, political or labor organizing is also helpful.
The gig: You will work directly with Revolution Messaging staff to assist clients in shaping, maintaining and evolving their political presence in a digital technology market. Interns will get direct, hands-on experience with the digital tools that are vital in the campaigns of today and tomorrow, and will learn how to effectively organize online in a fast paced political environment.
Typical projects include: maintenance of mobile messaging platforms, brainstorming digital strategy with our client services team, assisting in preparation of client case studies and memos, as well as other duties as assigned. Interns will be cross-trained in multiple areas and will have the chance to work on a variety of fun and exciting digital projects.
This internship is paid $10 an hour, to a maximum of 29 hours a week. Hours are flexible and you can wear jeans to work.
We accept applications on a rolling deadline! Please send a cover letter and resume to
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