Position Available – Democracy Associate
Public Citizen's Congress Watch division
Public Citizen is a national, non-partisan, public interest group with over 400,000 members and supporters. The Congress Watch division conducts public education campaigns and advocates before the Congress and administrative agencies on money in politics, open government, corporate accountability, consumer protection, access to justice, transportation, and public health and safety.
GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF POSITION: The Democracy Associate will work to support the numerous campaigns that Public Citizen's Congress Watch division undertakes in the good government space—from working on ethics issues, to federal regulatory campaigns focused on transparency, to money in politics legislation—and will create materials, work with allies, and may have opportunities to represent Public Citizen in the United States Congress, regulatory agencies, and to the media.
· Advocate on legislation and, where relevant, proposed regulations. Help organize meetings and correspond with legislative and executive officials and staff.
· Work with and when necessary organize coalition partners and individuals affected by policies on which Public Citizen advocates, with a particular focus on the Corporate Reform Coalition and the Bright Lines Project IRS rules coalition.
· Research and assist with reports, fact sheets, letters, testimony, and comments on proposed rules.
· Assist with developing media and field relationships and responding to inquiries, helping to coordinate with the communications division and the Democracy Is For People organizing team in writing editorial board memoranda, press releases, letters to the editor, online pieces, social media components, activist engagement documents, and opinion editorials.
· Other duties as assigned.
QUALIFICATIONS: College degree required. Some relevant experience with legislative advocacy, or money in politics work preferred. Outstanding analytical thinking, political judgment, and oral and written communication skills. Collaborative spirit, high energy, and enthusiasm.
SALARY AND BENEFITS: Competitive non-profit salary commensurate with experience; good medical and dental coverage; three weeks paid vacation for new employees. This is a grant contingent full-time position.
TO APPLY: Please send letter of interest, resume and writing sample to Lisa Gilbert at lgilbert@citizen.org. Please no phone calls.
Public Citizen is an equal opportunity employer.
visit www.citizen.org/congress
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