[jobsthatareLEFT by GAIN] Research Tracker - 2018 Florida Democratic Campaign

June 28, 2018

[jobsthatareLEFT by GAIN] Research Tracker - 2018 Florida Democratic Campaign

A 2018 statewide Democratic campaign in Florida is actively seeking hard-working candidates to fill a Research Tracker position.

Tracking is a vital part of campaign research that provides the Democratic Party with critical information about a Republican opponent's public appearances, speeches, and statements. Research Trackers will monitor the opponents' schedule in order to attend all public events, film and record events, and transcribe audio and video footage collected. The Research Tracker will work closely with the Research and Communications Teams on overall communications strategy and rapid response.

If interested, please send a resume to FlaTracker2018@gmail.com.

POSITION: Research Tracker



Track Opponents' Schedules.

·       Monitor news clips, blogs, state and county websites, campaign activist websites and other sources in order to find opponents' schedule of public appearances.


Film Opponents' Public Events

·       Attend and film all events attended by opponents.


Transcribe Event Footage

·       Transcribe all audio and video footage collected during public events.


Draft Daily Event Reports.

·       Write daily event reports detailing each event attended by the Republican opponents. Reports will include a description of the event purpose and venue, summary of the event, attendees and audience, and key points discussed by the opponent in his or her remarks.

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