[jobsthatareLEFT by GAIN] State Voices: Voter Registration Coordinator/Florida 501(c)(3) Civic Engagement Table

January 11, 2019

[jobsthatareLEFT by GAIN] State Voices: Voter Registration Coordinator/Florida 501(c)(3) Civic Engagement Table

Voter Registration Coordinator

Florida 501(c)(3) Civic Engagement Table

Vacancy Announcement

About Florida (c) (3) Civic Engagement Table:

Florida 501(c)(3) Civic Engagement Table is a state based collaboration ("Table") formed to improve long-term coordination and communication among nonprofit, socially responsible civic engagement organizations in Florida. Our Table's nonpartisan mission is to engage underrepresented and socially responsible voters in the democratic process and to establish collective action around common issue areas. Those issue areas include voting rights, quality and affordable health care, economic justice, civil rights, improving public education and more.

Florida 501(c)(3) Civic Engagement Table is an affiliate of State Voices, a national network that encompasses nonpartisan civic engagement tables in 25 states.

Position Overview:

The Voter Registration Coordinator is a full time position through November 2020 that will assist State Voices Florida's partners in conducting voter registration programs that meet the highest possible standards. This effort focuses on voter registration in a targeted fashion by conducting at-scale, effective, efficient, metrics-driven registration work. Through this work, we seek to increase the political power of traditionally underrepresented communities in our democracy.

This position will maintain relationships with organizations engaging in non-partisan civic engagement in communities of color. The role of the Voter Registration Coordinator is to support their efforts through site visits, data management and analysis, quality control of field activities, and training. By conducting quality control of voter registration and compiling data on program results, the Voter Registration Coordinator will identify strengths and areas of improvement in multiple aspects of partners' programs. The position is full time and reports to the Table Director.

Candidates should have diverse and extensive experience in voter registration, community organizing, and/or campaign work. Previous experience may include one or more of the following: field leadership on a campaign, voter registration drive, field or grassroots engagement; leadership with an advocacy organization; or field staff on a national/statewide campaign.

The Voter Registration Coordinator must be skilled in working in diverse communities, able to collaborate with multiple organizations that have deep ties in the state, and have experience organizing and maintaining relationships with staff and leaders at all levels.

Because organizations and staff have various skill sets and experience with voter registration, it is crucial that the Voter Registration Coordinator be able to navigate the different needs of our partners and provide support that accommodates the varying levels of expertise.

Candidates should have previous experience working on long-term programs that invest in communities of color.

Responsibilities Include:

  • Data Management: Work with Table staff and partners to ensure relevant data points from voter registration programs are captured and entered into a database.

  • Quality Control: Conduct activities to ensure results of partner voter registration programs are accurate and in compliance with Florida law.

  • Reporting: Compile results of verification efforts and analysis of data points into regular reports indicating programmatic trends, best practices, and recommendations for improvement.

  • Training and Technical Assistance: Provide training and assistance to partners on incorporating recommendations generated from quality reports.

  • Supervisor of Election Engagement: Communicate regularly with these SOEs and the head of the FSASE, providing insight on our field programs, while fostering communication between SOEs and our partners directly.  

  • Site Development: Work with partners to discover, create and maintain relationships with  locations where voter registrations can be collected.

  • Travel: Willing to travel extensively and as needed, sometimes on short notice.

  • Other responsibilities as assigned.


The Voter Registration Coordinator oversees the registration program of partner organizations and all related activities in multiple counties in the state of Florida. In addition to working directly with partner organizations, the Voter Registration Coordinator works with the FL Table's Staff, as well as State Voices National Staff. The ideal candidate for this position will possess many, if not all, of the following qualifications:

  • A strong commitment to the civic engagement of historically underrepresented communities.

  • An understanding of voter registration programs and at least 2-3 years' experience in labor, political, or community organizing and political campaigns.

  • Ability to work independently and manage multiple projects at once.

  • Problem solver who is detail oriented and able to develop efficient systems to deliver intended results.

  • Ability to work well under pressure, resolve conflicts, and meet deadlines.

  • Excellent organizational, time management, oral and written communications skills.

  • Ability to work diplomatically in a coalition setting, delivering results from a diverse set of stakeholders that the position does not directly oversee.

  • Skilled with VAN, Microsoft Excel, Word, Google Docs with an ability to learn online database platforms.

  • Leading team communications including calls, written instructions and follow-through.

  • The ability to work in a fast-paced, politically sensitive, deadline driven environment.

Additional Ideal Experience:

  • A basic understanding of  501(c)(3) parameters

  • Bilingual or near fluent in Spanish

  • Training background

  • Knowledge of state structures of the progressive infrastructure and coalition partners

Term of Employment: Immediately through November 2020.

Location: Miami; however, other Florida locations may be considered.

Compensation: Salary is commensurate with experience. Benefits package includes medical, vision, dental, 401(k), and more.

About State Voices

State Voices is creating a fair and just society by advancing racial equity and making our democracy more accessible, inclusive, and representative. Our network of permanent, nonpartisan state coalitions works with hundreds of grassroots organizations to break down barriers to civic participation and bring underrepresented and marginalized populations - and their issues - to the center of public discourse.

Both nationally and in the states, we are nurturing a community of collaboration, innovation, and equity that builds the capacity of our partners and amplifies their impact.

Since 2008, State Voices has been a national leader in nonpartisan civic engagement. We employ the principles of collective impact, unifying change agents from different sectors around common goals to strengthen our democracy, building the capacity of partners with shared resources, and amplifying the voices of the underrepresented. We work in states to strengthen grassroots efforts by making efficient use of limited resources, promoting best practices, and achieving solutions no one group could achieve on its own.

State Voices sustains a dynamic ecosystem of 23 state tables comprised of 784 partner organizations in the following states: Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Louisiana, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, and California through the San Diego Metropolitan Area table. We also train and support an additional 214 partner groups in at-large states through our Tools For All Program.

State Voices provides the organizations in our network with the tools and support they need to help create a healthy and thriving democracy. We advance this work through three (3) national programs: Civic Engagement (voter registration and turnout, issue advocacy and constituency engagement), Civic Access (voting rights and election administration) and Civic Representation (census, redistricting and "clean elections"). For more information about State Voices, please visit www.statevoices.org.

To Apply: Please send your resume and cover letter to jobs@statevoices.org To ensure your submission is properly routed, please include "Florida Coordinator" in your email subject line. Resumes will be accepted until the position is filled; however, preference will be given to resumes received by February 8, 2019.

Equal employment opportunity and having a diverse staff are fundamental principles at State Voices, where employment and promotional opportunities are based upon individual capabilities and qualifications without regard to race, color, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, pregnancy, sexual orientation, age, national origin, marital status, citizenship, disability, veteran status or any other protected characteristic as established under law.

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