[jobsthatareLEFT by GAIN] JOB: Sierra Club Senior Campaign Representative, Arctic Refuge

November 15, 2019

[jobsthatareLEFT by GAIN] JOB: Sierra Club Senior Campaign Representative, Arctic Refuge

The Sierra Club's Our Wild America Campaign is hiring a Senior Campaign Representative, Alaska! This position is apart of the Lands, Water Wildlife initiative, which works to create an inclusive public lands movement that defends, protects, and restores our lands, waters, and wildlife for all, centering our work in the values of equity and justice. Working with partners and allies around the country, we are building a diverse public lands movement that has the power to transform our country, fostering a healthy environment where people and wildlife alike can thrive.

This position will primarily lead the Arctic Refuge Campaign, which works to permanently protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge by using grassroots pressure, elevation on Capitol Hill, and legal challenges to delay all Trump administration's attempts to drill. The Senior Campaign Representative will lead the Sierra Club Arctic Refuge Campaign team in planning and implementing the strategies and activities to protect the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge; foster partnerships with Indigenous led organizations and individuals at the frontline of the fight to defend the Arctic; elevate innovative strategies to protect the Arctic Refuge within the broader coalition of organizations; and ensure equity, justice, and inclusion are centered throughout the campaign work.

We are looking for motivated, strategic, experienced applicants who are excited to work with a dedicated team of staff and volunteers. We are an organization committed to forging a more equitable and just world, and are looking for applicants who bring a flexible and collaborative approach to advancing this shared vision. If you're ready to work in a dynamic, fast-paced environment to help us protect our planet, please apply here today!

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