[jobsthatareLEFT by GAIN] Denver CIRC Action Fund Field Director

January 2, 2020

[jobsthatareLEFT by GAIN] Denver CIRC Action Fund Field Director

Organizational Summaries

CIRC Action Fund (CIRCAF) is a 501(c)(4). CIRCAF believes in the inherent dignity and human rights of every person, regardless of immigration status. CIRCAF works to build a strong and thriving Colorado where all residents are treated with dignity and respect and have equal access to a fair and just quality of life and the opportunity to live united with family members. Achieve mission through advocating for fair, humane and workable public policies and by increasing the civic participation of new Americans. CIRC and CIRC Action Fund are separate organizations that operate under a cost-share agreement.


The Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition (CIRC) is a statewide membership-based coalition of immigrant, labor, interfaith, youth and ally organizations founded in 2002 to build a unified statewide voice to improve the lives of immigrants and refugees in Colorado and the United States. CIRC is a 501(c)(3) organization under the Internal Revenue Code and achieves its mission through non-partisan civic engagement, public education and advocacy to win fair, humane and workable public policies. 

Issues that CIRC and CIRC Action Fund are currently working on to advance their respective policy missions include:

    Defend and win Immediate Relief through state and federal immigration policy for immigrant families, workers and students. Connect our Federal Policy Fights to Local work as outlined below:

o      I-Drive Colorado: to fix and improve the implementation of SB-251 driver's licenses so that eligible persons have full, fair, and equal access to obtain a SB-251 driver's licenses. The iDrive Coalition is the vehicle for this campaign.

o      Legal Defense Fund: to create a statewide Legal Defense Fund to provide universal representation of people in deportation proceedings.

Job Summary
CIRC is hiring a full-time Field Director whose primary responsibility will be executing successful field programming for CIRC Action Fund and related entities.  CIRC Action Fund is a separate 501c4 organization that operates under a cost-share agreement with the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition, and ensures that CIRCAF achieves its program goals. The Field Director will develop and  oversee the CIRCAF's voter engagement programs in 2019 and help connect the efforts to the C3 policy priority campaigns and organizing strategies.   The ideal candidate has political and civic engagement campaign management experience and a proven track record in immigrant rights and/or social justice work.

Specific Roles and Responsibilities


Ensure CIRCAF achieves its civic and voter engagement goals in each election

      Oversee the successful  execution CIRCAF civic and voter engagement field program, including the hiring and/or management of staff, fellows, volunteers.

      Work with key local and state partners to ensure alignment around priorities and messaging.

      Support the  development of earned media and issue advocacy that is integrated with voter field work

      Coordinate local/statewide civic engagement activities for the field and CIRC members as needed.

      With Executive team, represent CIRC/CIRCAF at collaborative program tables, including Colorado Civic Engagement Roundtable, America Votes, FIRM Action and other national partners.

      Ensure that civic and voter engagement goals and strategies are integrated and aligned with the priority campaigns.

 Program Development

      Help develop and execute a 2-3 year statewide field strategy

      Develop training program and best practices for on-boarding of canvass teams

      Work with field partners on civic engagement programming including New American Leaders candidate training program, National Partnership for New Americans and FIRM Action on electoral campaigns.

      Support operations with compliance and canvass personnel on-boarding processes

      Support C4 membership recruitment and communications efforts


Member of Staff Team Committed to Collective and Collaborative Grassroots Fundraising

      Achieve annual individual/team fundraising goals that all CIRC staff participates in

      Support Executive Director and Managing Director in voter engagement proposals and campaign fundraising activities.

Member of Staff Team Committed to Anti-Oppression

      All staff are expected to be active participants in CIRC's internal anti-oppression and inclusivity efforts to make progress toward a vision of an organizational culture that reflects the values/principles that we are fighting for in world.



      Significant electoral and community organizing experience — preferably at the state level

      Knowledge of, and relationships within, local and state immigrant rights and larger progressive movement

      Demonstrated success in electoral politics and strategy

      Familiarity with and openness to different approaches to grassroots organizing and electoral work

      Ability to work collaboratively and effectively with diverse groups and people

      Self‐motivated, independent, willing to work long, flexible hours, including nights and weekends during campaign season.

      Experience with online databases and familiarity with reporting and metrics, voter file interface systems (VAN)

      Strong team player with excellent communication skills, familiar with C3/C4 campaigns, small donor committees, and political action committees.

      Strong commitment to social justice and social change

      Up to 30% travel within state and occasional out of state travel

      Proficiency in Spanish and/or other languages of Colorado's diverse immigrant and refugee communities preferred.


Salary & Benefits: Full time position, $51,150 plus full medical benefits and generous paid time off.
Date of Posting/Closing: Open until filled
To Apply: Submit resume, cover letter and contact for three references in Word or PDF to: jobs@coloradoimmigrant.org


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