Deputy Finance/Field Director
A candidate in the Southwest region is seeking a combo Deputy Finance/Field Director to assist the candidate and campaign manager with events, call-time, fundraising, and field support. A background or experience in Finance and/or Field is preferred but the right attitude and personality fit are most important to us. Please don't let a lack of experience in finance or field specifically keep you from applying.
This position is full time and requires presence in our office daily as well as frequent night and weekend work for events, call-time prep, and other tasks as needed.
Description of Duties
Manage candidate's schedule outside of call time
Handle email and phone correspondence
Assist in maintaining donor database
Recruit event hosts and attendees in accordance with the finance plan
Assist with and co-execute field program
Assist on-site with event operations
Assist in compliance with the preparation of campaign finance reports
Execute on Thank You card process
Conduct donor research
Other duties as assigned
At least one cycle of campaign experience - extensive volunteer experience counts
Strong written and verbal communication skills
Experience working with event hosts
Ability to problem solve and find creative solutions to nearly impossible tasks
Attention to detail and strong organizational skills
Ability to meet deadlines and work under intense pressure
Experience with GSuite, ActBlue, NGP, or other similar programs
We offer a competitive salary and benefit stipend package to be negotiated.
To Apply: submit your resume and a cover letter that tells us some things you feel we should know that your resume doesn't reflect. We are committed to finding the right person for our team and we can be flexible about your past experience and some job duties based on applicants we receive. Submissions should be sent to
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