[GAINPOWER.org: Jobs That Are Left] Open position: Fundraising Coordinator contract with Oil Change Int'l

January 12, 2021

[GAINPOWER.org: Jobs That Are Left] Open position: Fundraising Coordinator contract with Oil Change Int'l

Over at Oil Change International, we're looking for a contractor to fill a temporary Fundraising Coordinator position for the next few months. Details at this link and copied below: 

The wage range for the position is $75-95 per hour, depending on proposal and experience. We encourage applicants from all geographic regions and time zones for this position — remote work is entirely fine. Apologies for the quick turnaround, but proposals are requested by Jan. 17 (this coming Sunday). 

Feel free to be in touch with me at collin@priceofoil.org if you have any questions, and please do pass this along to anyone you think would be interested! 


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Contract: Fundraising Coordinator

Oil Change International (OCI) is seeking a temporary Fundraising Coordinator. OCI has developed a strong reputation for producing cutting-edge, hard-hitting analysis to expose the true costs of fossil fuels, and for coupling that analysis with innovative campaigns to shift the narrative, pressure decision-makers to stand up to the fossil fuel industry, and keep fossil fuels in the ground. The Fundraising Coordinator, as part of the Development Team at OCI, will play a critical role in ensuring the success of these efforts.

Contract: Fundraising coordination (strategy development and grants support) 

Request for Proposals (rate and time spent per week to be proposed by contractor; between $75-95 per hour)

Time Period: January – June 2021

Location: Remote position; any geographic location / time zone is fine

To Apply: Please send resume and short proposal to jobs@priceofoil.org by January 17 with 'Fundraising proposal' in the subject line

Areas of Work

Strategy Development

Develop an overall fundraising strategy for the organization and suggestions for coordination of fundraising activities across the organization, with three main components:

  • Foundation fundraising strategy
  • Online fundraising strategy
  • Major donor strategy

Strategy should be developed in close coordination with the Executive Director and other members of the Senior Management Team, in addition to members of the comms team who are currently holding the organization's online fundraising.

Foundation Outreach and Strategy

  • Track foundation outreach and make recommendations on how to more systematically cultivate and provide information and updates to foundation program officers; evaluate our organizational newsletter and its intent as a foundation cultivation tool; make recommendations on sharing OCI's work on an ongoing basis with foundations and individuals
  • Support the Executive Director and Program Directors in foundation outreach in the first half of 2021

Grants Management

  • Track grant proposals and reports, in Granthub, including when they are due and ensure the reports and proposals are completed and submitted on time
  • Coordinate development of proposals and reports, including identifying who is drafting and submitting them
  • Draft general support proposals and reports, as needed
  • Submit proposals and proposal information and reports, as needed
  • File final proposals, reports, and grant agreements
  • Track foundation opportunities and ensure opportunities are followed up on
  • Keep frequently requested proposal materials up to date
  • Track program officer contact info and update contact lists
  • Update organizational information on GuideStar and other websites

Major Donor / Individual Donor Strategy

  • Supporting and working with relevant staff to set online fundraising goals for 2021
  • Working with everyone involved in individual fundraising, create a system for tracking and implementing annual processes and materials development, including a year long timeline of individual and online donor work for 2021 (i.e. annual report, thank you notes, newsletters, online donations asks throughout the year, EOY fundraising planning, updating thank you note language, etc.)
  • Make recommendations for, and possibly implement the adoption of, a more comprehensive donor management system, working closely with the Product Team Director and the Communications team, in consultation with the Operations team
  • Make recommendations for how to expand major donor efforts
  • Describe what future resources would be required for a scaled up online fundraising/major donor strategy, including a recommendation around compliance for fundraising activities (state level registrations, etc)

Support the Hiring of a Full-Time Fundraising Position

  • Help develop a job description for a full time fundraising position and support the hiring process and onboarding of a full-time fundraising position

About Oil Change International:

Oil Change International is a non-profit organization that campaigns to expose the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitate the coming transition towards clean energy. We're a small, gutsy group that wages hard-hitting campaigns, grounded in solid and credible research, to push the energy industry towards an environmentally and socially sustainable future. We work together with a broad network of allies, in the United States and globally, that are committed to identifying and overcoming political barriers to a clean energy transition and shifting the balance of power in the energy industry.

Founded in 2005, Oil Change International now has a creative, passionate, and dedicated staff of twenty across five countries and a supporter base of hundreds of thousands.

Oil Change International values diversity, equity, and inclusivity as central to our work; all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment with equitable regard toward race, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, age, or veteran status.

Collin Rees // Senior Campaigner, Oil Change International & Oil Change U.S. // @collinrees // +1 308 293 3159

Collin Rees // Senior Campaigner, Oil Change International & Oil Change U.S. // @collinrees // +1 308 293 3159

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