[GAINPOWER.org: Jobs That Are Left] Weekly Updates From GAIN Power

March 25, 2023

[GAINPOWER.org: Jobs That Are Left] Weekly Updates From GAIN Power

Dear GAIN Power,

Ramadan Mubarak to our Muslim community friends!

Our first 2023 virtual career fair is next week on March 29th! Employers and progressive talent get to meet and network online in a unique and efficient way. Below is a bit more information, or visit this link to register for both employers and talent, which can be found on that page. We're excited about the registration already of both employers and talent - but we're still recruiting more. We'd certainly appreciate it if you willing to spread the word about it. This is a social media kit we made for the event - please share it!

The late deadline for submitting nominations for the Powerful IDEA Awards passed - but we'll let a few more sneak in while we review nominations. We're excited to start sharing all nominations. We love to see the community of talented people celebrated, hard work honored, and impact recognized. Next week we'll be sharing more information about the awards event and program, so stay tuned for that.

In the past month, we welcomed 75 new employers to our career center and have seen many more employers post new positions. The career center remains the best way to get all the job posts. You can also create job alerts tailored to your specific interests. Jobs That Are Left Google Group is up after Google took it down for over a month. During that time, we set up a new Jobs That Are Left Substack and started sharing there. So now our jobs are in three places, plus we share some on our social channels. The three platforms have unique benefits for viewing posts. We're still experimenting with how we best share on these platforms so they are perfectly syncing in the same way. We'll share more about this process soon and collect your feedback too. We want to make sure we're getting you posts in the best ways possible. We also want to make them easy to share and forward to a wider community. Your thoughts and feedback are always appreciated.

For now sending our gratitude out to this amazing community.

In solidarity,

— Amy & the GAIN Power Team

Submit your nominations today!

GAIN Power Events

Higher Ground Labs Open Call

From our event calendar:

Movement Labs Social Media Team – Teammate Orientation

Learn more & apply

Career Center Snapshot & Featured Jobs

Check out all the opportunities on the career center, see all the employers, and look at talent too!

Sponsorship Opportunities

Featured Political Pages

We would love to see more progressive firms and organizations join our political pages.

Jobs That Are Left Update

Jobs That Are Left Substack

We've moved our long-time google group posts, Jobs That Are Left, here to Substack. We post jobs from the GAIN Power Career Center, events, and occasional other announcements.


If you are a job seeker, we encourage you to sign up for job alerts, which can email you jobs as they happen, or in digest, and limit your email alerts to jobs that fit within certain search parameters. And if you are an employer, we encourage you to post your jobs so they are shared with the entirety of the progressive community. This should help you attract diverse applicants of all sorts or personal and professional backgrounds.


Jobs That Are Left is a progressive professional listserv managed by GAIN Power. We share jobs from our career center, careercenter.gainpower.org, events, news, and other partners activities. Go to GAINPower.org to build your profile, add your organization page, create and join groups, add events to our calendar, or post on the newsfeed as you would on other social platforms.

A bit like LinkedIn for the Left, GAIN POWER has many ways to network, market, and promote individuals and Democratic & Progressive organizations.

  • Membership: become an individual or organizational GAIN Power member (free and premium options)

  • Political Pages: market your organization in our directory. Share your mission(free and premium options)

  • Calendar: add your events to our community calendar (free)

  • Careers: post jobs to our career center (we have a variety of ways to post and distribute your jobs) 

  • Groups: create staff, alumni, issue, affinity or other groups on our site.

  • Powerful IDEA Awards: Award program to celebrate Powerful professionals and activists who Impact Democracy, Elections, and Advocacy.

You can see GAIN POWER offers much more than jobs. Reach out if you have questions.

Email JTAL@gainpower.org with questions
We are actively working to move this group over to substack jobsthatareleft.org and encourage you to sign up there.
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To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/jobsthatareleft/CAP%3DhrO2qg7Xq0rVif-Hh0sc9rOgEM_8RvC_zMocHZG3mKzyS6w%40mail.gmail.com.