Top-tier 2017 VA House of Delegates race seeks 3-4 Finance Fellows. The goal of this fellowship is to help the Fellow develop a strong foundation in campaign finance and prepare the Fellow for future campaign finance positions on competitive races. Prior campaign finance experience isn't required, but is a plus.
Responsibilities include:
Responsibilities include:
- Researching potential donors; individuals and PACs
- NGP database management
- Staffing fundraising events
- Possibly developing your own portfolio of low-dollar fundraisers
- Other responsibilities as appropriate and desired: What are you looking to learn the most?
Minimum Qualifications:
- Strong research and writing skills
- Strong attention to detail and organizational skills
- Ability to multi-task and manage time effectively
- Ability to communicate effectively and build relationships
- Ability to work collaboratively as a member of our team
- Experience organizing (non-profit, political field, political finance, etc.)
- Proficiency in Excel or Google Sheets
- Familiarity with NGP and/or VPAP
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