[jobsthatareLEFT by GAIN] Senior Digital Media Buyer ($80K - $90K)

December 10, 2019

[jobsthatareLEFT by GAIN] Senior Digital Media Buyer ($80K - $90K)

APPLY HERE: https://jobs.lever.co/priorities/b97e030d-5c74-437f-9489-08a526de872f

Priorities USA is a voter-centric progressive advocacy organization and service center for the grassroots progressive movement. Priorities is committed to standing up to the Trump administration and its allies in order to build an economy that provides real opportunity for all families to get ahead, and to protect the fundamental, democratic ideal of equality for all Americans – regardless of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

In 2018, we ran the largest digital advertising campaign on the Democratic side, and helped other organizations invest more and invest smarter in digital persuasion and mobilization. In 2019, we ran millions of dollars in mobilization ads in dozens of state and local races to promote the habit of voting. This coming year, we are doubling down on our commitment to digital media by building out our in-house team: We're already holding Trump accountable for policies that hurt everyday Americans and we need the help of a talented and diverse team to do it.  

The right person for this role should:

Have 2-4 year(s) of experience buying and reporting on digital media, including but not limited to using self-serve tools and programmatic platforms and other ad tech products, or working with (or at) an agency or ad vendor. We are currently looking specifically for in-platform expertise in Adwords and Facebook Business Manager. Experience with Google's Campaign Manager, and DV360 is a plus!

You have at least one cycle of media buying for a campaign or political organization. You know the difference between persuasion, mobilization, and direct response -- and how to set up campaigns and pull the right levers in buying platforms to achieve those goals. Once campaigns are live, you understand how to troubleshoot any problems. You can see the process through from campaign structure to trafficking to a live buy to "landing the plane" just right.

Know how to measure success in a political context. Sometimes we're focused on frequency, sometimes cost per acquisition, sometimes clicks. It all depends on what a given ad buy is actually trying to do. You should have an opinion on what metrics are relevant, and when — and know how to communicate that information to stakeholders even if they lack a digital background.  

Be willing -- and excited! -- to try new things (and fail), learn from successes and mistakes, and adapt with new and changing information, in both the digital media and electoral landscapes. What you will do on a day-to-day basis will change over the course of your time in this role. You will be successful if you thrive in a fast-paced environment. 

Care about the work of electing Democrats up and down the ticket. We want to be upfront: Working in electoral politics can be hard! In order to hack it, you'll need to be deeply invested in both the outcome (hello, getting Trump out of office!), and how we get there: working with a dynamic and diverse team, elevating marginalized voices, speaking to communities that are sometimes left behind by Democratic paid media programs.

Enjoy managing people. It is important to us to foster an environment on this team that is conducive to productivity and growth -- both on your part on the part of folks you manage. We believe that good management is a separate skill from good media buying, and that both are important to doing this job well.

Love a good spreadsheet. To run a great digital ads program we need to keep track of many moving pieces at once. We are looking for someone with strong organizational skills and an eye for detail -- that means you, to-do list makers and color coders. If you're not an Excel (or Google Sheets) whiz, but you're willing to learn, that's a-okay too.

In this role you will:

Be the primary eyes on all our digital buys. Working with other media buyers, you'll select the right campaign objectives, targeting methods, audience breakouts, inventory types, and bidding strategies to match the goal of the buy, and set it all up in-platform. You'll work with an ad ops/reporting expert to traffic the ads in such a way that surfaces the appropriate data to report out, and you will be responsible for the day-to-day management of the campaigns, adjusting based on in-platform metrics, formal reports, and stakeholder feedback. Once the cycle ramps up, you'll be expected to do this for several campaigns at a time.

Oversee quality assurance processes. You will ensure ad campaigns are trafficked 100% accurately all the way down to the nitty gritty details. This means being patient, detail-oriented and focused, and being able to teach this skill to the buyer(s) you manage.

Monitor and report on how it's going. You'll work with media planners and ad ops/reporting specialists to report on ad campaigns to a variety of stakeholders and adapt campaigns in response to reporting and feedback.

Experiment! Some of the media buys you'll manage will be tests to measure the efficacy of different media strategies, targeting techniques, or message/creative executions. Along with your media planner, you'll work with the analytics team to set up the actual buys to comport with test design.

Manage media buyers. You'll be managing one or more media buyers and potentially fellows. You'll be expected to teach the folks you managenew skills, explain why things are done the way they are, and help them as needed with both technical difficulties and professional development.

Help us do things by the book. You'll help implement internal processes for launching and reporting buys that adhere strictly to legal and compliance standards.

Reports to: Media Buying Manager

Direct reports: 1-2 digital media buyer(s), possibly 1-2 fellows

Compensation includes a competitive salary starting roughly around $80,000 - $90,000 but ultimately based on experience, and a benefits package that includes health care, paid holidays and vacation. People of color, women, people with disabilities, and veterans are strongly encouraged to apply.

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