NC State Senator Natasha Marcus Seeks Full-Time Legislative Assistant to Start in January/February
State Senator Natasha Marcus seeks a full-time Legislative Assistant to start in January/February 2021. This position serves as the only full-time permanent staff member in the Senator's Office and is responsible for managing office and Senator's official duties. This position is dynamic and fast-paced. The position works out of the North Carolina General Assembly in Raleigh. Working hours are flexible and vary greatly depending on legislative session. Senate Legislative Assistants are full-time salaried ($36,966 starting) with full state benefits whether or not the General Assembly is in session.
The Legislative Assistant has a wide-range of tasks, projects, and duties including, but not limited to:
- Conducting research into various public policy issues
- Office management, email & calendar management
- Drafting correspondence and constituent newsletter
- Coordinating with other legislators and staff on policy initiatives and legislation
- Coordinating with state agency liaisons to fulfill constituent requests
- On-boarding, training, and managing interns
- Creating and monitoring communication strategies for the Senator
- Other items related to the Senator's official duties
- Review proposed legislation, brief and prepare the Senator for votes and committee meetings
Job Qualifications
- Hold at least an undergraduate degree
- Outstanding record of academic achievement
- Communicate complex ideas effectively, both verbally and in writing
- Exceptional analytical and problem-solving skills
- Strong record of leadership in an academic, professional, and/or extracurricular setting
- Ability to work collaboratively in a team environment
- Ability to work effectively with people at all levels of the state legislature
- A desire to better the State of North Carolina
A two-year commitment to the position is strongly preferred.
Application Instructions
Please send your resume, cover letter, and an optional writing sample to Senator Natasha Marcus at and CC Melanie Zimmermann at
Further Questions
If you have any further questions, please reach out to Melanie Zimmermann at
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